Following its launch of four iPhone 16 cases with MagSafe at the launch of the iPhone 16 range, Beats by Dre is back ...
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As he visits Apple Stores in London, Tim Cook says the company is continuing to expand on its more than $18 billion i...
苹果今日向 iPhone 和 iPad 用户推送了 iOS / iPadOS 18.2 RC 2 更新(内部版本号:22C151),本次更新距离上次发布 Beta / RC 间隔 4 天。苹果官方更新日志显示 iOS / iPadOS...
本周二凌晨苹果公司紧急推送了 iOS 18.2 RC2版本,修复了 iOS 18.2 RC版本存在的一些BUG和功能,相信很多苹果用户都非常在意 RC版本的表现如何?是否能养老,毕竟在苹果圈流传着一句话, RC版本永远比正式版好用,那...