据外媒 Variety 报道,自 1 月底开播以来,苹果的原创剧集《空战群英》已经打破了 Apple TV+ 的首周收视纪录,超越了之前的热门剧集《劫机七小时》、《早间新闻》和《人生切割术》。尽管苹果方面未公布具体的收视数据,但他们宣...
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之前有传闻称,苹果因担忧折叠屏的耐用性而暂停了可折叠 iPhone 的研发。但最新消息显示,这家科技巨头仍然在积极推进该项目,并调派了来自 Apple Vision Pro 团队的部分核心人员参与。据 Alpha Biz 从接近苹果内...
The App Store is meant to be safe from scam appsAn app purporting to be for the Rabby Wallet crypto service, is the l...
lowededwookieThis makes sense more than the EU. The EU is such a bit player in Apple's bottom line but China is where...
Save on Apple's Mac mini at Amazon.Amazon's under-the-radar discount on the M2 Pro Mac mini shaves $150 off the high-...