Apple has a monopoly on the Steve Jobs TheaterDoes the European Union, the United States, or other governments need t...
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Apple TV+ being promoted in an Apple Store in 2019Apple TV+ has now been with us for almost half a decade, and it app...
Article Hero ImageUsing its new powers under the Digital Markets Act, the European Union has announced sweeping probe...
消息称苹果 A18 Pro 芯片将提供更强大的设备端 AI 性能文章概要:根据海通国际科技研究公司 Jeff Pu 的最新分析师报告,苹果正计划对 A18 Pro 芯片进行更改,专门用于设备端 AI。根据海通国际科技研究公司 Jeff...
消息称苹果在中国与百度就 iOS 18 生成式 AI 合作洽谈文章概要:苹果公司正在与百度就生成式人工智能模型展开合作洽谈,旨在满足中国大陆境内 iPhone 用户对人工智能的需求。据华尔街日报最新报道,苹果公司正在与百度就生成式人工...