ESPN gets updated with support for Apple’s SharePlay feature The ESPN app has been updated with support for Apple’s SharePlay feature, which lets you watch videos over ... AppleiOS 2022-03-18 评论 736
Anker’s noise-canceling Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro are on sale for $40 off today Anker’s impressive Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro earbuds, which illuminate when placed into the charging ... AppleiOS 2022-03-18 评论 781
Apple’s charts set the M1 Ultra up for an RTX 3090 fight it could never win When Apple introduced the M1 Ultra — the company’s most powerful in-house processor yet and the crown jewel... AppleiOS 2022-03-18 评论 783
iOSMac技巧之显示被苹果电脑刘海挡住的菜单栏内容:刘海补全计划 Apple 继 iPhone 以后,苹果在新的笔记本电脑上也引入了「刘海」。美不美观放一边,如果你的 Mac 菜单栏上有比较多的内容(比如图标多,或者有性能监控或者歌词显示这种特别费空间的东西),刘海区域的菜单栏图标是无法显示... AppleiOS 2022-03-17 评论 3404
最新 iPhone 14 Pro 渲染图流出,打孔药丸状设计! 印度科技博客91Mobiles周三发布了一系列渲染图,声称这些渲染是基于泄露的iPhone 14 Pro的工厂CAD图。从这些图片可以看出,这款苹果旗舰设备在屏幕顶部附近有打孔和药丸状的开口。越来越多的谣言和爆料表... AppleiOS 2022-03-17 评论 788