Apple’s still not catching scammy apps, and this time they’re on the Mac Scam app hunter / developer Kosta Eleftheriou, known for catching egregious scams that make it past Apple’s... AppleiOS 2022-04-16 评论 675
Core, an accessible game creation tool, is expanding from PC to iOS and Mac this summer Core, a free PC-based app built on Unreal Engine that lets you create and play games, is expanding to iOS a... AppleiOS 2022-04-15 评论 663
Motorola’s latest Moto G Stylus gets the basics right If you buy something from a Verge link, Vox Media may earn a commission. See our ethics statement. Sh... AppleiOS 2022-04-15 评论 733
苹果批评 Meta 近 50% 高额抽成行为:暴露了其虚伪面孔 4 月 15 日消息,最近 Facebook 母公司 Meta 宣布将从元宇宙平台 Horizon Worlds 开发者那里收取近 50% 的抽成,苹果日前指责 Meta 的这一举动虚伪。此前,Meta 经常对苹果... AppleiOS 2022-04-15 评论 633
苹果庆祝地球日,在 Apple Store 使用 Apple Pay 的每笔交易都会捐款 1 美元 据 MacRumors 报道,从现在起到 4 月 22 日地球日,苹果公司计划为在 Apple Store 零售店、通过 Apple Store 应用或在 网站进行的每一笔 Apple Pay ... AppleiOS 2022-04-15 评论 665