Tips for quickly making ringtones with iPhone without computer: garageband ringtone making (v2.3.2) + IOS 過去曾經教過大家使用新版iTunes、iTools和免電腦也能透過iOS 送贈送的GarageBand製作iPhone鈴聲,但隨著iOS不斷推出,蘋果也持續替GarageBand更新改版,會發現到整體界面功能似乎有... AppleiOS 2022-05-09 评论 531
BMW temporarily ships cars without Apple CarPlay Buyers of new BMW vehicles may not be able to enjoy using CarPlay at first, with ... AppleiOS 2022-05-09 评论 567
IPhone users, be careful! The appearance of "congratulations to Google users! Win iPhone" is a malicious pop-up window of fraud 最近看見不少使用 iPhone或iPad 用戶在反應瀏覽網頁到一半,總是會跳出「恭喜Google用戶~贏得iPhone一台」的彈跳訊息,有些都會以為自己所用的 Safari 或 Chrome 遭網頁綁架了,但其實這... AppleiOS 2022-05-09 评论 550
Analyze the reasons for the theft of a large number of Apple IDS, and teach you the skills of rescuing your account and establishing asset security protection 經常會不時聽到有網友說自己的 Aple ID 遭到盜用,到目前已經演變成甚至還發生被盜刷信用卡,對於這種事情可能又會被用戶認為替越獄了吧?然而這些被盜用的用戶大多數是從來不越獄用戶,怎麼還會被盜呢?其實問題並非是 ... AppleiOS 2022-05-08 评论 510
[teaching] let the iPhone ring because the contact person rings different rings, vibration modes and flashing LED lights 相信到現在都還不少 iPhone 用戶,都一定經常錯過家人、重要客戶或情人重要來電,而且要接聽電話時,多數情況下都要透過 iPhone 螢幕上顯示才能知道是誰打來,但其實可以不需要透過視覺來確定來電者,只要使用聽覺... AppleiOS 2022-05-08 评论 504