[iPhone / iPad teaching] jailbreak free can also make IOS 9 0~iOS9. 3. X achieve screen video recording function "airshou" 許多iOS用戶想錄製螢幕操作,不過這些螢幕錄製工具因App Store政策因素,導致上架候就馬上會參遭下架命運,以往過去都只能透過越獄後來達成螢幕錄製功能,也不少網友在詢問有沒有可以不用越獄就可以錄製螢幕工具?... AppleiOS 2022-05-09 评论 561
Monoprice 28-inch CrystalPro 4K monitor review: low-priced but hurt by cheap build The Monoprice 28-inch CrystalPro 4K monitor looks like a competitive budget monit... AppleiOS 2022-05-09 评论 569
What changes has IOS 10.2 beta 3 brought? Added some subtle new features 距離 iOS 10.2 Beta2 歷經一週時間過去,今日凌晨Apple替開發者推送最新iOS 10.2 (Beta3)第三個測試版版本,與iOS 10.2共同亮相的另還有macOS Sierra 10.12.2 ... AppleiOS 2022-05-09 评论 510
Parent angry Apple didn't stop 10-year-old's $2,500 TikTok spree A parent has complained about Apple's refusal to refund 23 successive in-app purc... AppleiOS 2022-05-09 评论 547
IOS 11 realizes fast key calling SOS emergency rescue! And disable touch ID fingerprint identification 蘋果目前已經在iOS 11測試版本中加入了緊急求援SOS快速鍵功能,可在iOS 11上不需要透過螢幕觸控,只需透過快速鍵就能快速呼叫緊急求援,且在叫出緊急求援頁面時,iOS 11也會立即禁用iPhone的Touch... AppleiOS 2022-05-09 评论 570