[IOS teaching] how to solve the problem when iPhone / iPad jumps out of not enough storage? 不少粉絲都在詢問為何都會跳出「Not Enough Storage」錯誤訊息?這問題依舊會有不少剛拿iPhone/iPad用戶都會碰見,可以說算是最常碰見的問題之一,其實這問題就是指icloud免費空間5GB已經不... AppleiOS 2022-05-09 评论 451
[iPhone secret technology sharing] iPhone, which is unknown to most people, hides the built-in phone command code iPhone內有網友發現了內建隱藏代碼功能,這些代碼主要不是給一般使用者使用,用途在於給工程師或維修人員測試使用,在之前Nokia黑白機時代時,就已經有內建一些指令代碼,按下*#7370#候就可直接將手機進行系統格... AppleiOS 2022-05-09 评论 490
[IOS / Android teaching] catch up with the latest American drama app and recommend talent introduction! Through Renren drama, Netflix and luv TV, you can catch up with the latest American drama anytim 自從Netflix引進台灣後,似乎也帶動了整個台灣看美劇風潮,不過iOS.iM也看美劇看好幾年,早期第一次看的美劇是越獄風雲後就一整個被美劇拍攝手法與劇情吸引住,完全不會像是台劇的偶像劇或是八點檔大戲那樣一成不變的... AppleiOS 2022-05-09 评论 507
[IOS teaching] will it be difficult to upgrade IOS? Teach you how to improve the execution speed and power saving skills of old iPhone devices 蘋果每年都會針對iOS推出新版本,不過再提升版本之時,舊有機種用戶就會出現裝置比之前來的慢和耗電,這種情況讓許多用戶紛紛與蘋果投訴,但是大家還是要養成一個常識,因升級iOS系統,主要是因為功能上的改進,比較舊的... AppleiOS 2022-05-09 评论 489
As long as you connect to this website, Safari will crash and restart 今日最新消息,有許多用戶紛紛在Twitter上通報,有個惡意連結網址,只要一點入就能造成iPhone或iPad設備導致重開機,更嚴重是會讓越獄用戶重開機後也會再進入安全模式,該惡意網站已經在網路上瘋狂轉載流傳中... AppleiOS 2022-05-09 评论 508