[ios5 ~ io9 simulator] playing gba4, nds4 and ppsspp games with ios9 is not a problem! Support a variety of simulators and fighting game "iosemusapp" 從iOS7時期開始就有不用越獄的模擬器出現,但這款iOSemus開發者AiiR也依舊不放棄iOS9,繼續打造全新安裝模擬器網頁和多款模擬器讓iOS用戶免費下載,這對一直渴望想將iOS變成掌上型模擬器的用戶來講是一個... AppleiOS 2022-05-09 评论 585
[iPhone teaching] you can check whether iphone6s / 6S plus is TLC or MLC without prison break 去年蘋果發佈iPhone6/6 Plus爆發了 TLC 與 MLC 顆粒議題,雙方人馬爭的你死我活,不過隨著6s/6s Plus推出後,也就沒人在計較這問題,不過還是有少數用戶想瞭解自己手上的6s/6s Plu... AppleiOS 2022-05-09 评论 532
[IOS / Android] perfectly solve the problems of the latest QQ music, beautiful overseas IP every day and poke me! Support the latest version of "unlimited free VPN" 大多數用戶最常用的天天動聽推出新版本,已經無法再用先前教學方法和透過進入飛航在關閉這種爛方法解決,不過還是有其他方法可以解決這些問題,讓你不會再卡在戳我試試或境外IP問題上,本篇教學適合iOS與Androi... AppleiOS 2022-05-09 评论 475
[iPhone / iPad teaching] let ios9 have a built-in email collection contract, and sign the PDF contract upon establishment 每次收到合約書要簽署時,都必須要在列印出來在親筆簽名與掃描回信,這繁雜步驟在iOS9上已經完全不需要這麼麻煩,直接透過內建郵件收信就能夠立即進行簽署合約書動作,想學習怎麼辦到的嗎?趕緊來看看教學。 立即簽署合約教學... AppleiOS 2022-05-09 评论 443
[Cydia security] rogue Trojan locka reappears! Forcing jailbreak users to install the concerto assistant (Concerto assistant) makes it impossible to delete the method 從上次22萬筆iCloud帳密被洩密後歷經沒幾個月時間,最近越獄界又再度傳出遭受強制後台安裝插件事件,該次是用戶透過軟體源安裝插件後,會夾帶一款流氓木馬locka,即可在後台直接調用服務和deb安裝指令,造成不... AppleiOS 2022-05-09 评论 760