[IOS security] Pangu team launched xcodeghost trojan virus detection tool XcodeGhost事件爆發後(文章),似乎有不少iOS用戶深怕會下載到AppStore上夾帶Xcode惡意代碼App,盤古團隊特地為此事推出一款可偵測超過800個App的檢測工具,宣稱要透過檢測結果化為雲端能力,... AppleiOS 2022-05-09 评论 507
[ios9 teaching] regret upgrading to ios9? Teach you to lower ios9 back to ios8 4.1 method 不少升級到iOS9用戶,都遇到App還尚未支援或很卡、閃退等問題,導致使用上帶來非常不便問題,如果想先降回iOS8.4.1其實也是有辦法,就透過此篇教學來瞭解如何讓iOS9降回穩定iOS8.4.1系統上。前提條... AppleiOS 2022-05-09 评论 486
Pangu detection tool xcodeghost trojan virus infection statistical report released! Scan the Almighty king and business card. The Almighty king is a poison cave XcodeGhost木馬病毒已經竟過好幾天時間,也有不少用戶透過盤古Xcode檢測工具檢測出有夾帶木馬的App檔案,不過大家一定很好奇,到底是哪一款App和地區會是最多人中獎?盤古就統計了一下記錄報告,其中台灣... AppleiOS 2022-05-09 评论 567
[iPhone / iPad teaching] log in to the app store and jump out of AMD action authenticate error solution AppStore有少數人會發現,為何登入AppStore時會跳出「AMD-Action authenticate」或「X-AMD-Action_message」警告錯誤,但發現有些只需要重開機就能解決,但有些確... AppleiOS 2022-05-09 评论 656
[IOS teaching] you can easily purchase Apple products and track logistics through the apple store app without using a computer! 台灣在今年5月22日開放Apple Store App,讓用戶可以直接Apple Store App來進行購買蘋果相關產品,另也可以查詢到查詢官方授權維修據點,這款官方App最主要用意就是讓用戶不需透過電腦直接就可... AppleiOS 2022-05-09 评论 545