Sonos Ray soundbar leaks, new Decora switches, and more on HomeKit Insider AppleZuluRegarding the Leviton 3-way dimmer setup discussed in the podcast…You're going to have to follow a... AppleiOS 2022-05-09 评论 620
Apple leans on Chinese staff more following years of COVID restrictions Apple had to make some major changes to the way it worked with assembly partners ... AppleiOS 2022-05-09 评论 552
IPhone new year Lotto 100 groups quick match way "life line" 新年到,從去年或是前年過年期間開始大樂透就一百組開獎,但總不能一組一組慢慢去對照這樣可能會看得頭昏眼花,電腦上有專門對獎程式,但在iOS系統上一樣會有這相當便利好用的工具,那就是iOS.iM「 iPhone5 ... AppleiOS 2022-05-09 评论 529
Share Now! Is lazy, lose information through the computer or long web address to the iPhone 常會遇到使用iPhone使用者,如果想用iPhone紀錄某件事情或是備忘錄或網址,是不是都要使用iPhone一個字慢慢KEY?如果能夠透過網站直接將訊息傳入到iPhone內,這樣是不是會更省時省事呢?這套APP根本... AppleiOS 2022-05-09 评论 529
Zombie craze has changed from before to now, including app games 西方傳說中形如死人還能夠活動的怪物稱為喪屍,中國傳說因屍變的死屍稱為僵屍,只能夠夜間出來活動無法見光,所以誰會比較強?看的出來國外喪屍能力強過於僵屍,連日夜都能夠活動,就如同只剩,隨著國外喪屍電視劇和電影越來越... AppleiOS 2022-05-09 评论 506