Unreliable leakers agree on unlikely 'iPhone 16E' name for iPhone SE 4 Apple's iPhone SE line has existed since 2016 as an entry-level option, but a couple of leakers with poor a... AppleiOS 2025-01-03 评论 22
iPhone拨号隐藏功能 iPhone 经常被用户诟病的应该就是信号了,什么消息延迟、网络差信号差,如果你此时手机信号也比较差,又经常需要接打电话,不妨看看爱思助手分享给大家的一个小妙招:1、打开拨号界面,输入*3001#12345#*键,... AppleiOS 2025-01-02 评论 35
iPhone 14/iPhone 14 Plus 和第三代 iPhone SE从欧盟下架 近日,iPhone 14、iPhone 14 Plus 和第三代 iPhone SE 已从大多数欧盟国家的 Apple 在线商店中完全下架,原因是一项即将生效的法规要求在欧盟新上市销售的具有有线充电功能的智能手机必... AppleiOS 2025-01-02 评论 29
开发者质疑苹果 iOS 18 增强视觉搜索功能:默认启用,担忧泄露用户隐私 开发者 Jeff Johnson 于 12 月 28 日发布博文,曝料称在苹果 iOS 18 和 macOS 15 Sequoia 系统中,会默认启用“增强视觉搜索”(Enhanced Visual Search)... AppleiOS 2025-01-02 评论 29
What's best to watch on Apple TV+ during the upcoming free weekend The second season of 'Severance' won't start until late in January 2025, but viewers can catch up on its fi... AppleiOS 2025-01-01 评论 51