部分苹果 iPhone 14 Pro/Max 用户在充电时遇到随机重启问题 此前一些苹果 iPhone 14 Pro 用户抱怨 iOS 16 电池电量易耗尽,但可能还不是最严重的问题。现在,一些客户称他们的 iPhone 设备在通过 MagSafe 或 Lightning 充电时会间歇性重... AppleiOS 2022-09-28 评论 524
苹果为 iPad mini 6 推出新政策:支持仅更换电池 苹果正在为 iPad mini 6 推出一项新政策,允许客户在不更换设备的情况下更换电池。此前,如果 iPad 客户想要更换电池,Apple Store 零售店、Apple 授权服务提供商和维修中心将为这些客户提供... AppleiOS 2022-09-28 评论 439
Fast Company's Apple News hacked to send offensive push notifications Hackers have used Fast Company's Apple News access to send obscene push notificat... AppleiOS 2022-09-28 评论 465
Fast Company used to send an obscene Apple News push notification It’s been a little while since we had a high-profile media feed hijacking, but tonight someone sent an Appl... AppleiOS 2022-09-28 评论 428
Apple pulls top Russian social media app from App Store Apple has removed Russia's largest social network app, VKontakte, from the App St... AppleiOS 2022-09-28 评论 463