A new auction is offering a selection of autographed Apple items up for sale, including pho...
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彭博社報導指出,蘋果已經向董事會展示即將推出 Apple AR/VR 穿戴式設備,該款設備也處於最終開發階段,將會在不久後亮相,同時蘋果也會加快系統軟體開發,穿戴式系統最終會被稱為 RealityOS 或 rOS 。 近年來 AR/V...
想買 Studio Display 或許可以先等等,知名面板研調機構 DSCC 執行長 Ross Young 過去曾表示 27吋 mini LED 顯示器產品將在今年6月在 WWDC 20222 推出,最近又在 Twitter 上爆料...
EA has reportedly been seeking out a merger and Apple was a potential suitor, a report abou...
Police in Portland were given a technological assist by Apple's AirTag, after an armed robb...