Apple's attempt to get a new trial against wireless patent holding firm PanOptis has been r...
"admin" 发布的文章
When reviewing photos, landmarks and other objects may spark curiosity as to their origins ...
Apple has been accused of union-busting at its flagship World Trade Center store in New York City. According to a com...
苹果去年推出的iPhone 13较iPhone 12系列微调,是在为今年的iPhone 14大升级做准备。所以除了惯常的芯片及操作系统升级,iPhone 14在设计上将放弃延续了多年的刘海屏,采用挖孔屏,部分机型在摄像头上也将会有大幅...
苹果发布iOS 15.6测试版:为iOS 16做准备文章概要:从目前开发者的反馈来看,iOS 15.6依然是以修复Bug为主,同时完善一些缺失的功能,当然这也是在为接下来的iOS 16做准备。苹果今天发布了iOS 15.6和iPadO...