Apple Silicon could shift to a 3-nanometer production process during the M2 generation, a r...
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The iPad's compact form factor makes it ideal to be taken with the user anywhere. Here are ...
A celebrity in the UK accidentally swallowed an AirPod on Sunday, mistakenly consuming the ...
蘋果AR穿戴裝置消息不段流出,且推出時間還是一個謎,不過最近蘋果執行長庫克(Tim Cook)在近期接受中國媒體採訪,大談 Apple AR 擴增實境特色,承認蘋果已經深根多年,似乎也對外表明蘋果正在開發 AR 相關裝置與軟體,宣稱 ...
上周,苹果在经过修复之后给大家推送了iOS16 beta2。虽然已是iOS16的第二个版本,但网友们还是在观望,不敢轻易尝试,大概率是被iOS16 beta1给吓退了。从目前网评来看,大家的“被吓退”是对的,因为iOS16 beta2...