大家对iOS 15 的越狱工具感兴趣吗?近日,已经为运行之前 iOS 版本的 iPhone 和 iPad 提供越狱解决方案的奥德赛团队(Odyssey Team)小组分享了名为“Cheyote”的新越狱工具的第一批图片,该工具将适用于...
"admin" 发布的文章
eSIM 是嵌入式 SIM 卡,英文全称为 Embedded-SIM。eSIM 使可插拔的物理 SIM 卡变成为一张虚拟的 SIM 卡,直接嵌入到设备芯片上,为每个终端设备提供身份证明,使其得以接入运营商的网络。eSIM 能够进一步节...
The stars of "Ted Lasso" are preparing to wrap up the wildly popular Apple TV+ sports comed...
The repair experts at iFixit have completed a teardown of the new M2 MacBook Air, revealing...
Apple has agreed to pay out $50 million to settle a class action lawsuit that said the company knew about flaws with ...