Users of iPhone apps such as Maps and Podcasts could potentially see more advertising in th...
"admin" 发布的文章
Zoom has released a patch for its Mac app, fixing a vulnerability in its automatic updating...
The Spigen brand is most oft known for its budget-friendly array of cases. Its new luxuriou...
Every year, anticipation grows for what Apple will release in the fall alongside the annual...
自從蘋果在 2017 年推出 iPhone 8 後,手機背面就改用「玻璃背板」設計,也讓 iPhone 玻璃背版一直沿用新款手機上都未曾消失,很多人也好奇 iPhone 背面玻璃摔機這麼容易導致裂掉和重量較重,為什麼蘋果要堅持使用 i...