今日消息,业内人士 Ross Young 透露,苹果 iPhone 14 系列面板供应商有三家,分别是三星、京东方和 LG Display。在 6 月到 9 月这三个月时间里,iPhone 14 系列有 82% 的面板由三星提供,去年...
"admin" 发布的文章
在最近的一次拍卖中,早期生产的一部未拆封苹果初代 iPhone 以 3.5 万美元的价格拍出。从包装盒设计来看,这款是 2007 年 6 月初代 iPhone 推出后头几个月销售的首批机型之一,主屏幕中不包含 iTunes Store...
As Apple’s iPhone 14 event gets closer, rumors continue to swirl around the phone’s potential ability to provide emer...
The Apple Watch is being used as part of a study to determine if it is possible to cut down...
Apple's latest endeavor to support education is and improved and still free Apple Education Community to help teacher...